Sunday 28 March 2010

I'm Back!!!!

Hmmmm, so what was I saying?..........

I know, it's been waaay too long, but sometimes a break is just what we need.

Since my last post, I have done my course of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), and I'm so glad I did. My lovely therapist Joanna has helped me identify quite a lot of negative thinking that has developed over the years, and which I'm hanging on to out of habit. I've managed to start the work needed to change some of those habits, and I hope I'll carry on. Though I don't for a minute think it will all disappear, it helps to look at things from a different perspective.

I have also started an Open University course; because I get Council Tax Benefit, I'm able to not only get the course paid for, but also get a small grant towards extra books, travel to tutorials etc. I chose the Arts & Humanities Foundation Course, The Arts Past & Present, and, so far, am really enjoying it, though it was a bit of a shock at first. I've submitted my first assignment, and, yesterday, went to Croydon College for the day school, which consisted of 4 hour long tutorials. I hope it will start helping me to focus, and give my days a little bit more structure, and also, help towards one day being able to get back in to work, even if I do only want to work part-time, so watch this space.

I have also been dieting more seriously than before, and, since Christmas, I've lost the 8lbs I put on over Christmas (lol!), and almost another stone besides, so I hope I can keep going on that too.

Ok, that's all for now, be back soon!!!