Wednesday 27 May 2009

I Love...

I follow quite a few blogs already, not just friends and family, but ones that may be focused on a subject I'm interested in. I stumbled across today's 'I Love...' a few weeks ago, when I was looking for recipes online, with the intention of going in to the kitchen and cooking up a storm.

Let's just say, I started looking for said recipe at about 5 pm. I may have finally got myself a sandwich at about 2 am (thank goodness no-one else except the cats was around). The site is called 'Cake Wrecks', and I would defy anyone to view it without at least cracking a smile. The chances are, though, that you will more likely be trying to continue breathing, whilst holding your stomach because it's aching so much, and wiping the tears of laughter from your eyes.

The basic idea is to post pictures, with a little back story if there is one, of professional cakes that have gone wrong in a funny way, whether it is incorrect spelling, misunderstood message instructions, badly constructed, or you just can't imagine why they would want a cake that looked like that, etc etc.

Sounds innocent enough, doesn't it? Sadly, it would seem that there are more bakeries and cake decorators who don't know what they're doing than you might realise.

Here's a little taster (with the links so you can read Jen, the blogger's, take on it.)

Naked Mohawk-Baby Carrot Jockeys

Easter Wreck

Most times, the pictures are funny enough, but there is also Jen's hilarious commentary, which is what takes it from a blog about bad cakes, and pushes it in to side-splitting humour. I have started working my way through the older posts, but it's taking longer than I thought it would, because I have to keep stopping to have a rest every now and then. And also try to explain to my boyfriend why I'm laughing so hard at pictures of cakes.

Thankfully, Jen has also now started regularly posting 'Sunday Sweets', which are cakes that are awesome in an amazingly artistic and creative way. I can only worship at the feet of anyone who can design, bake and decorate cakes such as this:

Which was made by Elisa Strauss of Confetti Cakes, for the Lego Batman video game premier.

What can I say? If you link to the Cake Wrecks post, there is a link to a You-Tube video showing the cake being made. Awesome.

Finally, while I was on You-Tube, I started clicking on some of the related videos (as you do), and found this gem, set to music by Verdi.



The Lighter Side

There are so many websites that I use quite regularly; the BBC, Sky, MSN, Ebay, Sainsburys - I could go on forever. You know how it is, you need to get a bus or a train, you log on and check the timetable, or you check the weather to see if it's worth cleaning the bbq for sunday, or find out what's on tv over the weekend.

I've banked on the internet for years, and love the convenience of being able to check my balance at 2 o'clock in the morning (the answer to the question 'how much is in there'? Usually, 'not enough') I can now renew my library books online, and, by putting a reminder on my mobile phone, in theory, I should never have to pay a fine again. The latter reflects hugely on the former, of course. I have a dreadful memory, and, in the past, have even had library fines that reached double figures, although not just for 1 book, I hasten to add. Yes, I know - the depths of my shame knows no limit. (Though there may be a strange mound somewhere in Australia, that they mistakenly think is an ancient burial site)

But I digress. My point is, I have used, and continue to use, the internet, in a practical and, dare I say it, responsible manner.

And then there are all the other sites I visit.....

Now, I will pause a moment, as I don't want any of you to think that I mean the kind of sites you wouldn't want to discuss on a wednesday afternoon while having tea with the vicar. I have nothing against those kind of sites, they're just not my bag, y'know? (or my 20 inch stiletto heel, my goose feather, my orange, or my schoolgirl gymslip, either.)

What I do mean, is the kind of sites that make you smile, laugh, think, shout, and generally pass the time with a little bit more interest and enjoyment.

All that, was the preamble to what I hope will become a regular part of the blog, when I point you in the direction of some of my favourite sites and blogs, and give you the lowdown on why I keep going back to them.

With a bit of luck, you'll find something new/interesting/exciting/funny in them too.


Sunday 24 May 2009

Who Am I?

Everyone, surely, is the sum of so many parts; people and experiences that have influenced them. Like most people, my mum has been a major figure of influence to me, so I thought I'd start by sharing a few photos that make me smile, help me remember her well, and, reflect slightly on a current theme of mine - hats. The picture above is the one that my avatar has been taken from; yes folks, that's yours truly in the pram, pulling a face as usual (I HATE having my photo taken - obviously from a very early age!) My sister is posing (also as usual, at least at that age. Thankfully, it was a habit she got out of very quickly), and, of course, mum at the back.

This was early 60's, and, of course, mum's wearing a hat, albeit a rather non-descript one, but other photos show this as a trend - I think it's a shame she stopped wearing hats as she got older, because I think she really suited them.

The first 2 photos, she's wearing outfits that she made herself, including the hats, which I think is so cool; the last one became famous in our house. It was THE HAT MUM WORE WHEN SHE MET PRINCESS ANNE (we always thought of it in capitals) The paper mill my dad worked for was officially opened by Princess Anne, and all the workers and their families were invited. Mum borrowed the hat from a neighbour, who was fairly well-to-do, and had a selection of hats, which mum, by this time, didn't.

I wish you could see it in colour, because it was beautiful; the feathers at the front were all autumn colours, with touches of deep blue and green. (I think they may have been pheasant).

Anyway, mum swore THE HAT was the reason that Princess Anne came over to speak to her, rather than any of the other ladies or gents around. The picture made the local newspaper, and was mum's pride and joy for years. Her biggest regret was that she had to give the borrowed hat back.

Now, both mum and dad are dead, and the photo is one of the things I kept when my sister and I cleared out their house. It is one that, even though I'm not a royalist, makes me smile every time I see it.

Thanks mum. XX

New Beginnings

I have to confess to being more than a little nervous about starting a blog: the idea of laying my thoughts open to scrutiny is not one that comes easy to me! But there is also a part of me that thinks this could be good for me as well; nothing ventured, nothing gained and all that. So I hope that there will be at least a few people out there who will appreciate/enjoy/be stimulated by my musings, and who will also feel prompted to give me some feedback.

So hello to any stranger-friends out there; be kind, or at the very least, be gentle.