Wednesday 27 May 2009

The Lighter Side

There are so many websites that I use quite regularly; the BBC, Sky, MSN, Ebay, Sainsburys - I could go on forever. You know how it is, you need to get a bus or a train, you log on and check the timetable, or you check the weather to see if it's worth cleaning the bbq for sunday, or find out what's on tv over the weekend.

I've banked on the internet for years, and love the convenience of being able to check my balance at 2 o'clock in the morning (the answer to the question 'how much is in there'? Usually, 'not enough') I can now renew my library books online, and, by putting a reminder on my mobile phone, in theory, I should never have to pay a fine again. The latter reflects hugely on the former, of course. I have a dreadful memory, and, in the past, have even had library fines that reached double figures, although not just for 1 book, I hasten to add. Yes, I know - the depths of my shame knows no limit. (Though there may be a strange mound somewhere in Australia, that they mistakenly think is an ancient burial site)

But I digress. My point is, I have used, and continue to use, the internet, in a practical and, dare I say it, responsible manner.

And then there are all the other sites I visit.....

Now, I will pause a moment, as I don't want any of you to think that I mean the kind of sites you wouldn't want to discuss on a wednesday afternoon while having tea with the vicar. I have nothing against those kind of sites, they're just not my bag, y'know? (or my 20 inch stiletto heel, my goose feather, my orange, or my schoolgirl gymslip, either.)

What I do mean, is the kind of sites that make you smile, laugh, think, shout, and generally pass the time with a little bit more interest and enjoyment.

All that, was the preamble to what I hope will become a regular part of the blog, when I point you in the direction of some of my favourite sites and blogs, and give you the lowdown on why I keep going back to them.

With a bit of luck, you'll find something new/interesting/exciting/funny in them too.


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