Friday, 5 June 2009

Fuse Festival

Just time for a quick note about an event happening in the Medway Towns over the next couple of weeks. Tomorrow is the opening day of the Fuse Festival, which is not only a great, fun celebration of the Arts, but is also completely and utterly free.

Yes folks, I kid you not, all the street theatre, workshops, displays, and performances are not asking for any remuneration from you at all, something you can't often say these days.

Fuse has a special place in my heart, not only because Medway is my stomping ground (aah, I can feel all the detectives out there who've been trying to work out my identity sharpening their wits and their pencils on
that one!), but also because I love the arts, theatre, and the innovation that Fuse represents.

Last year, I was lucky enough to work for some of Fuse as a steward; this year, I am on the other side, and, though I love working at it, I am also looking forward to having the time to cram in as much as possible. Check out the website here, see clips from last years festival, and details of this years events. It's great family fun, and, the more support it gets each year, the more it can grow for the future. (Plus, you may actually be standing next to me at some point, and not even realise it - cue evil laugh)

Anyway, whatever you are doing over the weekend, make it a good one, and make sure you spend a little time getting the right amount of R & R like the terrifically laid-back guy on the right, who comes to you from Monkey World in Dorset, via a snap my daughter, henceforth known as Shiny Thing, took when we visited it earlier in the year.

More about
that another time.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So sorry. Really ignorant about Fuse but you have now wised me up, for which I am grateful.